Welcome! Here is a little introduction to this blog...

First I want to say I'm in computer support. I work for a major University and I am a "Support Specialist". I support computers. That means I can do multiple platforms (both hardware and software). I am well versed in Mac, Windows and Linux (and multiple versions of each). Lets get something straight, if all you support are windows boxes you aren't in computer support, you are in windows support. So please don't tell me you are in computer support, such a limited knowledge means nothing. Want to be in computer support? Then get it through your head that there is more to the world than just micro$oft and learn and USE something else on a regular basis as well. Otherwise your opinion that windows rules and everything else sucks, is worthless. Period. Like the republican party, windows doesn't need more pundits out there towing the party line and spewing tired and over-rehearsed talking points. But that is a prelude to another rant...

Don't post comments with flames, anything but Micro$oft sucks (there are more than enough pundits for the shit Redmond puts in a box and calls products), pro Republicant, or anything else I might disagree with, I'll just delete it. If I want your opinion, I'll give it too you!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

And so I'm back from outer space...

Well folks, I spent more than the last year in a pretty crappy place with a pretty crappy job. So as incognito as this is, I stopped blogging in fear for my crappy job. While I did get to play with some awesome new Macs, I had the terrible displeasure of supporting Vi$ta in an enterprise environment. It sucked. It sucked worse than I could ever imagine. It had incompatibilities with Microshafts own servers. Garbage. And made for pretty pissed off users when it was forced upon them, making my crappy job even crappier. But now I seem to be at a safe sensible place again. They appreciate talent, and at least still run their PC's on XP. I think Windows 7 (actually NT 6.1 just a small "upgrade" from Vi$ta) will get skipped at least until the first service pack. Meanwhile I look forward to the new speed and smaller foot print that Snow Leopard will bring. It's good to be back. Hopefully I'll get to do this more regularly again. Oh yeah and Boot Camp and I made our peace. Though really why would you want to waste a Mac by running windoze on it?

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