Welcome! Here is a little introduction to this blog...

First I want to say I'm in computer support. I work for a major University and I am a "Support Specialist". I support computers. That means I can do multiple platforms (both hardware and software). I am well versed in Mac, Windows and Linux (and multiple versions of each). Lets get something straight, if all you support are windows boxes you aren't in computer support, you are in windows support. So please don't tell me you are in computer support, such a limited knowledge means nothing. Want to be in computer support? Then get it through your head that there is more to the world than just micro$oft and learn and USE something else on a regular basis as well. Otherwise your opinion that windows rules and everything else sucks, is worthless. Period. Like the republican party, windows doesn't need more pundits out there towing the party line and spewing tired and over-rehearsed talking points. But that is a prelude to another rant...

Don't post comments with flames, anything but Micro$oft sucks (there are more than enough pundits for the shit Redmond puts in a box and calls products), pro Republicant, or anything else I might disagree with, I'll just delete it. If I want your opinion, I'll give it too you!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

A little more about the blog...

This blog is not some kind of parody. This truly is what you read is what you get. I have a good background in the filed of computers and IT, both formally and informally. In the time I have spend with computers (back to the Apple II in the early to mid-80's) I have used plenty of stuff. I had an Atari 800 once, and a Radio Shack Color Computer, and even an Apple IIGS.
I remember when those hacks at Radio Shack were hawking trash 80's that ran DOS or even those sickening early versions of Windows (those were not operating systems folks, they were shell that had to be run over an operating system). They used to trash me for liking Mac and Apple, but they were idiots, I could crash their store machines and it would take them forever to make them run again (they just needed to boot from a floppy and rename a file or two, but they were too dumb to figured this out). I knew then I could out tech these guys in the crap they sold that I didn't even regularly use. They said Mac users knew nothing about their machines. They had it backwards. I could fix any problems I had, and most of the guys who used Macs I new could as well. These guys couldn't even fix DOS.
I remember being shown Windows 3 or 3.1 (like it matters), and someone said, "See you'll like this, it's like a Mac." It wasn't even close, clunky, ugly, unintuitive (things haven't changed much). I quit back in to DOS much to their amazement and worked from there again. What was the point in using a bad GUI shell? Really Windows 95, 98, & ME were just glorified DOS shell's and they showed it. The only thing that struck me strange was how the DOS mode (at least in 95 and 98) were more stable than DOS was. Maybe because it was newer than 6.22.
People make a fortune off Books and CD's on how to use Windows. Why? Why not just buy a computer you can figure out and use on your own (like a Mac)? Why spend money on crap? (PC hardware included). People tell me because the can get such "cheap" PC's. Yet these things break down, fall appart, blow hardware, get Windows rot and are useless in a year or two. If you buy one of those four or five hundred dollar PC's, you get what you pay for. Crap. Plain and simple, someone took a dump put it in a box and put a label on it. When it dies (not if), and likely before the warranty runs out, you get what you deserve. High maintenance and repair bills or you need a new machine. You should have spend good money in the first place. I still run a machine daily that is seven years old, and I have only made some modest upgrades over the years when they were cheap. And yes it is a Mac, and yes you can upgrade them.
Don't even talk to me about building you own PC. I have done it many times. The price of doing so is getting hard to compete with "brand-name" machines even if I will get better quality parts. I have also rescued countless "builders" who never should have tried in the first place. Go back to doing your job, let me do mine.
And also, I cam going to mention the "L" word. Linux. Ubuntu 7.10 is looking pretty snazzy and seems (like most of their previous offerings) pretty stable. So if you do know what you are doing, kill ME II and give it a try. Just don't kill your machine (unless you realize it is a PC and it is due for the office space treatment).


RocketJam said...

People tell me because the can get such "cheap" PC's. Yet these things break down, fall appart, blow hardware, get Windows rot and are useless in a year or two. If you buy one of those four or five hundred dollar PC's, you get what you pay for.

I can vouch for that. My wife and her sisters bought my father-in-law a cheap eMachines box for Christmas a couple of years ago. The LCD monitor failed early this year and the hard drive died on Christmas Eve (almost exactly two years after purchase).

Since I'm the most computer savvy guy in the family I got to buy and install the new HD then install Windows, then search for video drivers on the internet and etc...

Piers33 said...

I feel you pain! I have done work on eMachines too. I also know what it is like to be the guy who knows machines . It is worse than telling someone you are a doctor at a party. As soon as you tell that you're in computer support, they have to tell you about their problems. I still don't have the heart to charge family (and many fiends for that matter) to fix their machines. I'm starting to tell people I'm a morgue attendant.